Exploring the Landscape of “Safe Machine Learning” Solutions

In the ever-evolving field of artificial intelligence (AI), ensuring the security and robustness of machine learning (ML) systems has become paramount. Various companies are emerging with specialized solutions to address these concerns, providing businesses with tools to safeguard their AI implementations. Here’s an overview of some key players in the “safe ML” market and their offerings.

Robust Intelligence

Robust Intelligence offers a comprehensive platform designed to enhance the security and robustness of AI systems. Their “Robust Intelligence Platform” scans data and model files before deployment, ensuring that potential threats are identified and mitigated. Key features include:

  • Algorithmic AI Red Teaming: Simulates attacks to test the resilience of AI systems.

  • State-of-the-Art Threat Classification Models: Provides an up-to-date taxonomy of various attack vectors to keep users informed and protected.

For a detailed breakdown of potential threats, they offer a security taxonomy.


Cranium focuses on helping organizations secure both internal and third-party AI solutions. Despite their sparse website, Cranium has garnered significant financial backing, indicating robust investor confidence in their approach to AI security.

Protect AI

Protect AI’s suite of products, including “Radar” and “Guardian,” provide a high-level overview of the health of various ML components and scan model files for malware. They also offer “Layer,” which adds safety measures for the use of large language models (LLMs) by preventing data breaches and prompt injection attacks. The emphasis on securing input and output interactions makes their offerings essential for maintaining AI integrity.


TrojAI specializes in security solutions that protect against various attacks on AI systems. Their products include:

  • TROJAI::DETECT: Offers 100 out-of-the-box security tests.

  • TROJAI::DEFEND: Provides real-time filtering through an AI firewall that blocks threats like data poisoning and denial of service attacks.

TrojAI's solutions are designed for enterprise scale, capable of filtering over 100 million tokens per second, indicating their robust and scalable approach to AI security.


CalypsoAI provides a range of filters to help large companies utilize AI models like ChatGPT safely. Their pre-LLM filters screen prompts for sensitive information and prevent the leakage of proprietary data. Post-LLM filters scan incoming responses for malicious content, ensuring that companies can interact with public-facing AI tools without risking data breaches or receiving harmful recommendations.


HiddenLayer’s offerings focus on protecting AI models during training and deployment. Their main product, AI Detection & Response (AIDR), includes features such as:

  • Malware Detection in Model Files: Ensures AI models are free from embedded malicious code.

  • Model Integrity Checks: Verifies that model layers are not corrupted.

  • Protection Against Data Leakage: Prevents sensitive information from being exposed through AI systems.

HiddenLayer also provides adversarial ML training sessions and red team assessments to educate clients on potential threats and defensive strategies.

What sets us apart from the above

To navigate the complex landscape of AI security, it is crucial for teams to understand the various threat vectors that can impact their ML ecosystems. We offer specialized training designed to equip your team with the knowledge and skills needed to identify and mitigate these threats. Additionally, if desired, we provide red teaming services to simulate attacks and test the resilience of your AI systems, helping you fortify your defenses against real-world threats.


The landscape of “safe machine learning” solutions is diverse and rapidly growing. Companies like Robust Intelligence, Cranium, Protect AI, TrojAI, CalypsoAI, and HiddenLayer are at the forefront, providing innovative tools to enhance the security and robustness of AI systems. As AI continues to integrate into various industries, these solutions will be crucial in safeguarding against potential threats and ensuring the reliable and secure operation of machine learning technologies. To support these efforts, our expert training and red teaming services can help your team stay ahead of emerging threats and ensure the resilience of your AI implementations.


Threat vectors that companies with ML need to consider